Medical Volunteerism's Got Talent...

At least we hope so!

Do you have a short talent act (2-5 minutes) you would like to perform on the Saturday night stage of the International Medical Volunteerism Conference in Atlanta, GA  - April, 18th, 2010  

Can you sing, dance, juggle, play an instrument, perform magic, ventriloquy, or amaze an audience in any other way?

If so, we want to see it in an electronic audition.

1. Video tape yourself doing your awe-inspiring act
2. Upload the video to
3. Send the web link of this upload, along with your name, email address, phone number, a short description of what you would like to do, and how many minutes you need to perform it by email to: 
Dr. Ken Fine at
[email protected] and cc [email protected]
4. Submission deadline is March 1st, 2010
5. We will contact you by 3-15-2010 about the results of your audition

Some experience performing for an audience is desired, although not required.

The talent show participants are limited to the presenters at the conference.
The audience will be both conference attendees and the invited general public

This invitation is our way of encouraging your creativity in one more positive manner!

Let us know what your talents are!

You should be on stage... the next one out of town!

No just kidding.

Thanks for helping us add Entertainment to the Inspiration and Education of this Conference!